
 eyes  when


Question by  cervert (26)

How often do you change your contacts: as directed or do you wait longer?


Answer by  Kilotheros (97)

I usually wait longer, I just wear them until I lose them, they rip, or they stop going in right. If they start to turn yellow you should change them.


Answer by  grandmawhocares (83)

I'm supposed to change them every 4 weeks, I dont wear them all the time, about 8 times a mo, so bout every 4 months I do.


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

If I have been wearing them regularly (every day) I change them as directed. If I skip a few days, sometimes I wait a bit longer as long as the contacts are still fresh and round. Sometimes they may look fine, but once you put them in your eyes they are very uncomfortable.


Answer by  Queen1990 (541)

To illustrate, you must change your contacts as directed to prevent any problems from arising from overuse age of the contacts. Often, the contacts are overused enough that they will disappear into your eye sack.

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