
 family  why


Question by  ovienewvce (25)

Why does my sister-in-law hate her in-laws?


Answer by  324hjt (610)

Without knowing your family, I can't tell you for sure. It likely has to do with the power dynamic in the two families and where she feels she fits inside that dynamic. She may also been harboring resentment about some thing that were said or done to her or her husband my your family in the past.


Answer by  CEEFORINA (784)

Without more information than this, this is a question that only your sister-in-law can answer. I would surmise that you get on well with the people in question, hence your puzzlement- the best advice that I can give you is to either: talk to your sister-in-law or just keep out of the whole situation entirely.


Answer by  Deepz (121)

This is an universal fact that women hate their in-laws, no matter, whether it is daughter- in - law or mother- in law. There isnt any particular reason for that,However Loving the man between them in two different ways by those two women can be the true cause behind this.


Answer by  wantnot (305)

The only way for you to find the answer to that question would be to ask her. But I'd guess that there's either a major personality clash, or something happened that offended her.

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