


Question by  NathanCloud (28)

Where is the best place in a yard to plant a jade tree?

Do they need a lot of sun, or shade and how big do they get.


Answer by  asanson (253)

Jade trees are imported from Hawaii and are very temperamental in the united states. A grown tree will die in thirty degree Fahrenheit weather, so sunny areas are the best.


Answer by  venbro (10)

Jade Plants prefer moderate light levels. Placing it in a east/west-facing window or within 2 to 3 feet of a south facing window works best. Allow the jade to receive 3 to 5 hours of bright, direct sunlight each day. If the stems become spindly,probably not getting enough light.


Answer by  boby (15)

Well drained soil, don't have peat moss. Better in rocky hillsides and arid soil. Will grow in full sun to light shade. But don't tolerate extreme heat or sunlight


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

You will need to either get a book on the tree. Or go to a nursery to ask about it. Or you can check online for the information you are looking for. But I think the best thing would be asking at a nursery, they should know what to do.

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