


Question by  shadow1010089 (31)

What type of works did Hiro Yamagata create?


Answer by  background (7)

Hiro Yamagata, though widely regarded as a printmaker, is perhaps best known for his artistic exploration of lasers. His laser works have been exhibited widely at such spaces as Guggenheim Bilbao and the Wexner Contemporary Art Center in Ohio.


Answer by  CEEFORINA (784)

Hiro Yamagata is painter and installation artist, based in Los Angeles. Working with silkscreen,he became famous for the vivid colors he used to evoke mood. In the 1970s, he began to paint, often inspired by his love of jazz. Latterly, his exploration of light sources has brought Yamagata to prominence as a pioneer of contemporary laser and holographic art.


Answer by  artgirl (367)

Hiro Yamagata is a mixed media artist, known for both his paintings, silkscreens and laser or hologram work. He's sometimes referred to as a pioneer in the laser/hologram art genre

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