

Question by  Ken (31)

What should I do for my limping dog?


Answer by  Grace (128)

Take your dog to go see a doctor because they might be suffering inside and might not be showing it and carrying it around to avoid it walking by itself.


Answer by  Erika (18)

Visit your veterinarian asap. In the meantime, restrict your dog's activity. Allowing a dog to run on an injured leg can worsen the injury or lead to permanent damage.


Answer by  amberjusm (306)

You should take your dog to the vet to find the source of his problem. There could be more going on than you suspect and your dog needs vet care.


Answer by  Kayla (144)

You should take the dog to the vet and let them check the dog out. The vet will probably wrap up the leg or tell you further steps for treatment.

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