


Question by  Advisor (1032)

How much cholesterol is in shellfish?


Answer by  deram (45)

Lobsters have 61 mg of cholesterol. Shrimps & Scallops have 166 mg and 34 mg of cholesterol respectively. Clams & Mussels have 54 mg and 48 mg of cholesterol respectively.


Answer by  Monica92 (15)

Depending on the type of shellfish, for example oysters, contain 58 mg of cholesterol. As per study, shellfish are low in cholesterol and are high in the good omega-3 fats.


Answer by  HelpfulAndy (1107)

This depends on the type of shellfish. Most shellfish has some cholesterol, but it also have Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for you. The shellfish with the least cholesterol is Oysters, and the most can be found in crab.

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