

Question by  tashalc (46)

Are marriages in Jamaica legal in the US?


Answer by  Britt (453)

If the marriage is recognized by the Jamaican government, then it will be recognized by all state governments in the US. So yes, Jamaican marriages are legal in the US.


Answer by  senegaulois (139)

The United States will consider as valid any marriage that is legally recognised in the country where it was performed. The USCIS website can provide you further details.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Yes, they are legal in the United States if performed by someone who can legally perform marriages in the United States.


Answer by  Samantha57 (391)

Usually, yes. Foreign marriages must have been valid and legally performed in the country where they took place and as long as they do not violate any U. S. state law. You may need to "register" papers in the state in which you plan to reside; this varies by state.


Answer by  Neerajsinghtomar (12)

yes marriages in jamaica are legal in us. One of my friend robert had married her girl friend of jamaica in jamaica and they are happily settled in US.

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