health conditions


Question by  mathivanan (84)

Are hands sweating a sign of tetanus?


Answer by  Gus28 (683)

Symptoms of tetanus are irritability and muscles that are sore, weak or cramping. Lockjaw is common. Severe symptoms include broken bones, dislocated joints and inability to breathe.


Answer by  docilecracked (61)

Hands sweating need not be a sign of tetanus. Usually, hands sweat because a person is not in a normal state. When a person is nervous or has been placed in a challenging situation, his adrenaline level will increase. This causes his body to react. One way for it to react is sweat coming out from hands, palms or feet.


Answer by  taratufts (10)

Generalized sweating can be a sign of tetanus, but specific sweating of the hands does not fit diagnostic criteria for tetanus.


Answer by  Bobinski (1652)

No hand sweating is not a sign of tetanus but excessive sweating all over is a sign of tetanus. Hands sweating or sweaty palms is a sign of Palmer Hyperhidrosis or Excessive Hand Sweating. Stiffness of the jaw is often the first sign of tetanus, other symptoms are stiff neck, spasms of neck and muscles, irritability, and fever.

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