health procedures


Question by  Jenno (57)

Will an x-ray locate blood clots?


Answer by  bigwig (654)

No. An x-ray will only show bone or metal (rigid solids), not your veins and arteries. An MRI, however, could possibly detect that.


Answer by  kalkidd1 (87)

Yes. X-rays are most effective when looking at denser objects in the body, such as the bones. To view the arteries, veins, or blood a contrasting substance must be injected into bloodstream to make the blood more visible under the X-ray.


Answer by  rosieposey78 (1304)

A CT scan with contrast can be done to locate blood clots. Otherwise, the conventional x-ray will not be able to view a blood clot.


Answer by  Mrscmrn (1449)

X-rays alone do not locate blood clots. A chest x-ray could show a problem with the lungs and with the use of other tests could diagnose a pulmonary blood clot.

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