where to find


Question by  112742 (67)

Where can I buy gravel bags?


Answer by  canadabee (932)

If you're just looking for one or two gravel bags, you can go to your local home shop, like Home Hardware or Home Depot. These are usually located in the nursery section. If you're looking for a large quantity, I would recommend contacting a local builder and asking for their supplier's name.


Answer by  mightyspidey (1080)

You can purchase bags of gravel at hardware stores- either small town hardware stores or national brands like Lowes and Home Depot. The bigger stores will have larger selection.


Answer by  DackThrombosis (1093)

The first place I would try is one of those big hardware stores like Home Depot or Lowe's Hardware. Prepare to spend some money because you must buy it in bulk.

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