health procedures


Question by  muffinx1 (232)

When is a white blood cell count ordered?


Answer by  wyeth (435)

Test ordered very commonly to count the numbers of infection fighting and immunity mediating cells in the blood.Granulocytes increase in number when there is infection caused by bacteria and lymphocytes increase in virus infections. Leukaemias are malignancy type diseases where abnormal white cells may be found in greatly increased numbers.Low numbers can mean poor immune defenses.


Answer by  Kath (1537)

The white blood count is usually ordered as part of the complete blood count. The test results point out infection, inflammation, leukemia, or other trama to the body. The white blood count can also be ordered separetly to monitor recovery.


Answer by  patti (29325)

White blood cells help the body fight infection. If the white cell count is above normal, it is a sign of infection or disease.


Answer by  winnieslo (132)

White blood cells, or leukocytes, are the blood component that fight infection, and a a wbc count is ordered to confirm the diagnosis of an infectious process.

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