

Question by  Smurphie (19)

What should I expect from a diagnoses of Herpes type ii?


Answer by  Jennk (388)

You should expect intermittent outbreaks of the HSV. You can get drugs that reduce the length of outbreaks but you will always have this condition and can be contagious forever.


Answer by  sonicfoundation (2597)

Herpes Type 2 is more commonly referred to as genital herpes. Outbreaks can commonly occur around the genital area. These consist of blisters that are itchy and can sometimes split open leaking secretions that carry the infection. These outbreaks eventually dissipate but will often reoccur. There is no cure, but medications exist to treat the condition and help prevent outbreaks.


Answer by  Darry (3853)

This is considered an STD, though now both types are equally sexually transmitted. Herpes can cause painful sores in the effected area though you can take medicine to reduce the occurrence and length of outbreaks. You cannot cure herpes, it is a lifelong condition.


Answer by  papasquid (16)

Herpes simplex type 2 is a lifelong infection. It may come and go but cannot be cured. It produces weeping sores in the genitalia and is highly contagious.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

You will have this for the rest of your life. You will be on a medication that you will have to take daily to prevent any future outbreaks. Warn any partners before having sex with them and never have unprotected sex.

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