what is


Question by  Jacki14 (86)

What is a septic alarm?

What does it mean if it goes off?


Answer by  msbee (484)

It can mean that the septic fluids being drained from the tank are not operating properly. Possible issues could be that the wastewater is leaking from the tank, ground water or other clean water is leaking into the tank, there are clogged drains or pipes, or the power has been disrupted.


Answer by  meena (400)

when the tank if full or if there is anything floating the alarm does not work. We can call for a service people to see what is tha exact problem.


Answer by  nitesh (81)

Usually, septic tanks have pump installed to pump pot all waste from tank to dranfields. It goes off, when pumping out waste ceases due to blockage or back water coming in from drainfield to septic tank

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