what is


Question by  Nidhi (20)

What is a krabi krabong?

Where did it originate?


Answer by  KLR (606)

Krabi Krabong is a martial art that was developed in Thailand. It uses weappons, in particular, the Krabi, which is a curved sword, and a staff called a krabong.


Answer by  ShayanFCB (366)

Krabi Krabong is a martial arts form that involves the use of weapons such as the sabre, staffs, shields, sticks, halberds, two swords, or duel clubs. It originates from Thailand but has spread across the world. It was originally used for military purposes, and therefore it is believed to have been created by the Siamese army


Answer by  Bobinski (1652)

Krabi krabong refers to the system's main weapons, namely the sword (which is the krabi) and the staff (which is the krabong). It is a weapon-based martial art from Thailand.

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