

Question by  kaiote (45)

What does a Diploma Engineer do?


Answer by  patti (29325)

A "diploma engineer" is one who has earned a diploma in engineering. The specific field of engineering determines the capacity and job responsibilities. Specialty areas are referred to as "post-diploma," meaning that the engineer has taken advanced training.


Answer by  Advocate (175)

What distinguishes a diploma engineer is the authority to "stamp" engineering documents for a study, estimate, design or analysis, thus taking legal responsibility for it.


Answer by  Olive (1195)

A diploma engineer does the same types of projects as an engineer trained at a college. The only difference is that the diploma is not a college degree although the training is similar.


Answer by  goldsanu (28)

A diploma engineer has a great possibility to work an professional engineer or the assistant of an engineer.He/she can earn a lot by doing that job through working hard.

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