


Question by  Dorothy (38)

What causes a bump on the sclera?


Answer by  Chrissy30 (59)

One reason could be a slight infection in your eye, these typically go away on their own, but you may visit a doctor to receive antibiotic eyedrops to speed healing. Another reason could be scar tissue from a past trauma to your eye.


Answer by  Meghan23 (69)

If a person has issues with their joints or if they have arthritis then they will sometimes see little red bumps on their eyes that are referred to as sclera.


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

This could be caused by scar tissue building up on the sclera, most likely as a result of a corneal abrasion or scratch.


Answer by  mango (82)

There are numerous differentials to causing a bump on the sclera. One main reason may have been a result of trauma. Like any part of your body that has repeated trauma or one deep enough, it may scar over. For someone whose eye is overly irritated chronically, that area may result in a bump.


Answer by  eiryck (847)

Given that the sclera is the white part of the eye which is a very sensitive organ, the most probable cause for a bump on it is due to foreign objects like dust going inside the eyes irritiating it and direct exposure to the sunlight's ultra violet rays as well as infrared light rays.

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