health conditions


Question by  worker2621 (11)

What can you tell me about having gallbladder inflammation?


Answer by  Darry (3853)

Gallbladder inflammation can be painful and is typically caused by the presence of gallstones. It resolves with passing of the stone or with medical assistance through surgery or other procedures.


Answer by  sunnyinTN (40)

Gallbladder inflammation can be very painful. The pain occurs after fatty or greasy meals and generally is in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, occasionally radiating to the back. The pain can last up to twelve hours, with the pain peaking at around one hour post onset. Other symptoms are fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and muscle rigidity.


Answer by  mcdbeals (201)

If you get a sharp, persistent pain underneath your right rib cage, that may indicate a gallbladder attack. These attacks occur most commonly as a result of a diet too high in fats, especially saturated and trans fats. Alcohol, caffeine and spicy or greasy foods all make the liver work too hard ands that compromises the gallbladder.


Answer by  KMcRae (714)

Gallbladder inflammation can be caused by gallstones. They are solid deposits usually formed by excessive cholesterol. Other causes can include gallbladder infection.


Answer by  herzog (555)

Gallbladder inflammation is more common in women than men, possibly because of the differing hormone levels and can result in the development of sand or gravel or even larger concretions termed stones. In the past it required a large incision to remove these stones. Today it is often done with very small incisions and is termed band aid surgery.

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