pet health


Question by  Mark39 (21)

What are some home remedies for a constipated dog?


Answer by  martin (522)

Constipation is often caused by not drinking enough water, so one thing to try is getting the dog to drink more water. The easiest way to do this is to make the dog's food more salty. You can sprinkle some salt in the dog's regular food, or you can simply feed the dog some salty treats.


Answer by  kipcat (1964)

Try giving the dog a raw egg, or try Pepto Bismol, either one should help with the problem. Also mixing a little wet food into their diet can help too.


Answer by  pammy (42)

I have found that using a baby-sized glycerin laxative suppository for my dog works quiet well. This also lessens any pain they might feel.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

The only thing I know you can give them is oil but the best thing you could do is contact the vet they can take care of it right away.

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