


Question by  rockabetty (17)

Is there such a thing as a slime flux treatment?


Answer by  bettylou (69)

Trees suffering from Slime Flux can be treated by immediately cutting away diseased tissue. Pruning the infected branch/branches and removing the bark of the tree, in an oval shape, down to the wood. Then, clean the "wound" with rubbing alcohol or 10% solution of bleach. Continue to treat any new evidence of disease activity that may have been missed.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

It is a bacterial disease and there is no cure. Treatments are not recommended as it would do more damage than being left alone.


Answer by  Arindam (24)

Slime flux is a bacterial disease of certain trees causing a wound by pruning, insects, natural cracks and splits. Slime flux treatment is disinfection by alcohol or bleach solution of one part bleach to nine parts water. The excess sap is wiped from the tree to discourage insect's parasitic feeding.


Answer by  scwriter007 (254)

Cut out the infected area and disinfect it with a 10% bleach solution. If the bacterial infection has reached the heartwood there is no cure. The tree will die.


Answer by  dwammer (710)

The best recommendation for the treatment of slime flux mold is aeration. You can attempt this yourself but the best thing you can do is hire an expert to aerate.


Answer by  mcmario2007 (786)

Yes there is a thing called Slime flux that exists, slime flux is a type of moud that is white in color, slime flux molds are found on plants that grow on soil that is called clay soil and many plants that grow on clay soil is bound to get infected by slime flux


Answer by  fishlover49 (643)

Yes, there is. Many people treat the problem by cutting down the tree and planting a less disease prone tree. You could also cut away the diseased parts of the tree, clean the infected parts with an antibacterial wash and watch the tree carefully for signs of reinfection while it heals itself

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