

Question by  sinu (23)

Is there such a thing as a diet to discourage bug bites?


Answer by  Zorfandel (398)

There is no such thing as a diet which discourages bug bites from all insects. In order for this to be possible you must excrete a substance through your skin. Garlic has these properties but will not defend agains most insects.


Answer by  eiryck (847)

There are plants that in nature repel insects ranging from aphids to mosquitoes. These are edible plants that could be included in one's diet to minimize the tendency of insects to get near and do bug bites. Such plants include basil, onion, catnip, hot pepper, ginger and oregano. You can mix these varieties with other dietary requirements.


Answer by  river (1226)

Not so much a diet, but garlic, onions, brewer's yeast, lemons, vitamin b1. The b1 should be taken a few weeks prior to where you're going, then daily. The other things listed should be eaten daily, but I don't recommend together. You can take the garlic and brewer's yeast in tablets.


Answer by  mascota (639)

I don't know how true it is but I've heard that if you eat loads of marmite mozzies won't bite you as they don't like yeast.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

I don't think there is. But you need to go to the book store and get a book on it. Or look online for the answer to your question. But I think a book should tell you.

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