

Question by  Hondaguy (12)

Is there an Islamic Empire?

Was there ever one?


Answer by  jclick (1561)

The most well-known of the Islamic (or Muslim) Empires was the Ottoman Empire which ruled present-day Turkey (as well as other parts of Europe and Asia at its height) from 1299 - 1922. Other important Muslim Empires include the Safavid Empire which ruled an area around present-day Iran and the Mughal Empire which ruled parts of present-day India.


Answer by  sonicfoundation (2597)

There is not a current Islamic empire, but there used to be various Islamic empires in history. The largest and most famous is the Ottoman Empire.


Answer by  leana (10)

There is no true Islamic Empire, yes there is an islamic nation in the middle east; but no gerneral united empire under the islamic faith.

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