

Question by  brian0622 (32)

How long can I hold an abdominal stretch?


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Basically, you can hold it as long as your body allows you to. In general, it is better to hold the stretch for atleast 30 seconds to 1 minute. The longer you hold it for the more of a stretch you will get on your body as well. 1 minute is the best.


Answer by  mannersandsuch (1796)

I would not hold an abdominal stretch for longer a minute, anywhere between 30sec-min should be long enough to get the stretch you need with out risking injury.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

The length of time in which you can hold an abdominal stretch will depend on many things, starting with what kind of shape you are in and how often you work out. The better shape you are in, health wise, the longer you will be able to hold the stretch. Keep in mind that everyone is different.


Answer by  Tourney (23)

this really depends on the strength and endurance of the person strecthing but on average a good ten count is what you should shoot for.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

How long you can hold it is dependant on your own abilities, but one should be able to hold it for approximately 15 seconds.


Answer by  vimalmay15 (122)

Abdominal stretch is such a good exercise for your internal organs but this has to done with care,one can hold abdominal stretch for not more than 45 seconds as it may cause pain in your urinary bladder and during such one has to hold there breath to avoid side effects.

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