
 pests  yard


Question by  jennie (77)

How can I kill grass in my driveway?


Answer by  Karen54 (971)

In a spray bottle, mix 2 tablespoons of bleach with 1 pint of water. Spray on the grass or weeds and they will dry up and you can pull out.


Answer by  bsatterfield (131)

The best solution is to use a weed-eater and cut back on the grass. Then use Round-up and spray where the grass was growing.


Answer by  Matthew88 (27)

You can try a couple of different approaches. One option you have is to burn the grass. Another more sensible option would be to invest in some Round Up.


Answer by  lmath629 (402)

One natural way to kill grass in your driveway is to spray it with vinegar. It might take a few attempts but this should work.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

You can purchase a weed killer in a sprayer. This makes it fast and easy to spray your driveway. You may have to repeat it every few weeks.

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