

Question by  nfr (115)

How big are oversized chairs?

Are they tacky?


Answer by  danielle128 (44)

Oversized chairs are about the size of the chair and a half. They're larger than a regular chair, but smaller than a love seat. I have seen oversized chairs in many different fabrics and I believe they could go well in many different decorating scenarios, so not all are tacky.


Answer by  Purple (948)

They are really big. You will need a good sized room for them or it will look out off scale. Only buy what you will use and buy the rest of the chairs normal sized so it all fits better. It's hard to get an oversized chair that looks classy so you'll have to go with a casual setting.


Answer by  ktow70 (305)

There is no exact size only that it is bigger than a normal chair onother name is a chair and a half so if a paticular chair is 54" the oversize will be 50% larger then the normal size chair most are above 30" and under 50" buy a love seat

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