

Question by  junruh (39)

Does a yeast infection cause bumps?


Answer by  michelle6055 (7)

Yeast infections do not cause bumps. They can, however, cause feminine odors, a cottage-cheese like discharge from the vagina, and a mild to moderate itch, along with other symptoms. It is best to consult your doctor if you believe you have a yeast infection, because they are often misdiagnosed at home.


Answer by  quisqualis (1756)

Common yeast infections (monilia) do not cause bumps. There are other infections that can cause bumps, which a doctor can diagnose.


Answer by  Samir (143)

A yeast infection can often cause bumps around your genital area (but the bumps can have other causes as well). The bumps will have a red rash around them.


Answer by  skm (432)

Yeast infections don't typically cause bumps. Classically a yeast infection presents as a thick white curdy dischange. It can be associated wtih itchiness, pain, and burning during urination. The surrounding skin is often red and irritated. Bumps could be pimples, ingrown hairs, or due to a different kind of infection.

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