


Question by  randall (24)

Are potatoes catabolic food?


Answer by  chelsea89 (85)

Sweet potatoes are. They are a "high catabolic food" which burns up more calories than it supplies. This is helpful because if it provides "x" calories and requires "x" MORE calories to metabolize, you are burning calories, thus burning fat, and losing weight. It is helpful to eat around 10 catabolic servings per day.


Answer by  myaiya (82)

No, potatoes are an anabolic food. The high starch content turns to sugar if there is any excess after the body has metabolized it.


Answer by  mandyaljp (55)

No, potatoes are not catabolic food as they contain a lot of calories, more than the amount which is required to consume them.


Answer by  salsafoodie (3146)

Potatoes are considered as a catabolic food, since they contained very high amounts of starch as other fiber nutrients that will make them catabolic.


Answer by  Riley (765)

A catabolic food is one that buns ups more calories that it supplies. Regular white potatoes are not catabolic but sweet potatoes are a catabolic food.

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