


Question by  Cesca (47)

Will vegetable oil freeze?


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Yes you can freeze oil. At a cold temperature the oil will slowly thicken until a point where it becomes solids similar to fat. However in this stated it doesn't become hardened like a liquid would.


Answer by  YourMoneyAnswerGal (654)

Yes, vegetable oil will freeze. Unfortunately, once defrosted it will separate and be unpalatable. It must be discarded. Also, be cautious because the contents may expand and rupture the container.


Answer by  holakisty (25)

Yes, vegetable oil will freeze but the temperature has to be around negative two hundred degrees farenheit before it will freeze.


Answer by  georgekutty (173)

Why not. If it will freez it will remain long. Also can use it very long time. It have more density than other oils. so it freeze easly. It is also called vanaspathy.


Answer by  salsafoodie (3146)

Depending on the type of temperature that it will involve when it comes to making freeze in vegetable oil in order to keep solid.


Answer by  whirlstonoilpress (0)

Yes,Vegetable oil will freeze. And different oil has different freezing points.

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