

Question by  parrotman1 (20)

Why would dogs poop with blood?


Answer by  Ashley68 (404)

If a dog has poop in his stool, it could be a lower intestine infection. It could also be many other conditions. If your dog is pooping blood, seek a vet's help immediately.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

There may be a problem with your dogs intestines or it could be internal bleeding. It also could be something really silly and not a big issue at all. When dealing with bloody stool its best to just call the vet and have him look at your dog. You don't want to risk it being something worse.


Answer by  spragoo (1500)

This could be a number of things. Could be something torn inside of him. Could be some type of parasite or worm inside of the pooch. Have you seen any thing else in the feces? I would take the dog to the vet right a way.


Answer by  idavid (385)

There are many reasons why a dog's movement has blood in it. Internal bleeding, parasites, and a virus are just a few of the many possibilities. This ill dog should be taken to the vet immediately.

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