

Question by  poodle (24)

Why is there a lump in my calf that is sore?


Answer by  Division1TrackAthlete (79)

If the lump in your calf is raised and resembles a golf ball in shape it is a knot. The knot has resulted from improper stretching, general muscle fatigue, or from straining the muscle.


Answer by  Pumpkin1 (201)

Cyst, a tissue infection, blood clots, varicose veins, different kinds of skin cancer, a fracture of a bone, ganglion, scar tissue, a swollen or infected lymph node, a callous formation or a number of other causes. This lump should be checked out by a medical doctor. X-rays, cat scans or a MRI may be required.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

You could of pulled your calf muscle, and it caused swelling within the muscle. You also could of pulled ligaments or a hamstring.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

1. it is an infection, such as a pin prick that is now infected 2. it is a parasite, such as a tick or fly larva 3. it is cancerous See a doctor if it still hurts.

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