

Question by  StacyDeLoe (27)

Why is my puppy throwing up clear liquid?


Answer by  ejt5 (39)

It is most likely water that he's throwing up liquid because he drank too fast. However, if he's lethargic, coughing frequently or violently, or seems in any other way abnormal, you may want to contact your veterinarian as these symptoms can be signs of Kennel cough or the Parvo virus.


Answer by  Tea (97)

Take your puppy to a vet if (s)he is constantly throwing up, but if it's once in a while, (s)he might be vomiting water. Puppies can gorge on water, especially during the hot months. If your puppy is otherwise active, and happy, it might not be anything to worry about.


Answer by  Domdom (113)

It could be a simple case of "sour stomach. " If you find that this generally happens in the morning, before the puppy has had a chance to eat, this is most likely the case. If this happens frequently or several times in a row you should consult with a vet.

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