

Question by  lindsay (111)

Why is Che Guevara so controversial?


Answer by  Anonymous

Because he is mistaken to be a man who fought for equality among the people, but really he was a cold blooded murderer who was racist and homophobic. he "fought for rights" but killed 14,000+ people who didn't agree with him. he just wanted to kill, he is like hitler


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Che Guevara has been made into a hero in Cuba by the Communist regime. However, he was also a brutal murderer and responsible for much of the misery in Cuba. The fact that he deliberately abandoned his own wife and four children with nothing to pursue a murderous drive for power is also under reported.


Answer by  rfd (19)

Because he wanted what few don't want. Peace and justice all over the world. Che Guevara shouldn't be seen as a communist but rather a humanist. Still today the majority of the world population still lives with hunger, cold and fear of the oppression. This was what Che was fighting against.


Answer by  luna (100)

He is viewed as a spokesman for a failed ideology and as a ruthless executioner. Che Guevara is not a free-floating icon of rebellion. He was an actual person who supported an actual system of tyranny. Detractors have also theorized that in much of Latin America, Che-inspired revolutions had the practical result of reinforcing brutal militarism

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