

Question by  Oui (17)

Why does the screen on my PC look like it is shaking?


Answer by  Alereon (44)

On older boxy CRT monitors, this is usually a failure of the monitor. On an LCD flat-panel monitor it could also be a problem with the computer's videocard.


Answer by  BusyGirl (31)

The monitor looks like shaking because of many reasons. some reasons VGA card Problem, Fluctuations in the Power to the monitor.


Answer by  Stephen47 (44)

Could be static electricity in the monitor. Try using the degauss function of your monitor, if does not help consult your manufacturer for further assistance


Answer by  Anonymous

It could be due to fluorescent lighting, which causes a flicker, not exactly a shake.


Answer by  sairamesh100yahoocoin (223)

may be any magnetic item are surrounded in your pc, so change the magnetic item on this place. the pc should not shake

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