who is


Question by  Kurt (4579)

Who was Krystyna Skarbek?


Answer by  BessieMae (138)

She was Polish, and worked for the British government as an agent of the Special Operations Executive during World War Two. She used the name Christine Granville. In 1952, she was stabbed to death.


Answer by  gkkoottanad (19)

Krystyana Skarbek was a Polish Special Operations Executive agent who became in her own time for her daring exploits in intelligence and subotage missions to Nazi-occupied poland and France.Skarbek became a legend during her lifetime and after her death.


Answer by  Cransus (130)

A Polish secret agent credited with inspiring Ian Fleming's Bond girls. She passed intelligence reports on Nazi activities to the allies from Hungary, Egypt, and France. She and her fellow female agents were the first to receive military ranks and be decorated. As a result the SOE of Poland began to accept a large number of women into their ranks.


Answer by  BrandonAllin (968)

Krystyna Skarbek was a special operations executive agent that was born in Poland in 1908. She later died on June 15th, 1952 at the age of 44. As for why she is famous, she is most notable for her very daring expeditions into Nazi-occupied Poland and France. She was very brave, and very wise.

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