where to find


Question by  perfectlocks (87)

Where is Chernobyl?

The one where they had the nuclear reactor problem.


Answer by  Jer989 (28)

Chernobyl can be found outside the town of Pripyat in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, which was formerly in the Soviet Union.


Answer by  Kassandra (203)

The Chernobyl disaster took place on the 26th of April, 1986. The location of the event was the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, which is located near a city named Prypiat. The city, now a ghost town, lies in the northern region of the country of Ukraine, which at the time of the disaster was part of Russia.


Answer by  mmonshausen (114)

Chernobyl is a reactor located near the city Prypjat which is part of eastern europes country Ukraine. It is located in northern Ukraine.

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