

Question by  irishbboy (1)

Where can I find a list of countries that a person with a U.S. drug felony is allowed to visit.

i was convicted of use of a telephone to commit a drug felony(federal case). i would like to visit friends & family after my probation is done. i don't know how 2 find out if i'm allowed into Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, or anywhere else.


Answer by  patti (29325)

A passport does not show criminal convictions. It merely proves citizenship. If you apply for a visa, you will complete additional paperwork that details convictions, and the request may be denied. But to travel in and out of Ireland, the UK or Europe, you should have no problems.


Answer by  eyeguy (3760)

The list of places that you may visit are ever changing. Be sure to contact the US State Department before you leave , and before you attempt to return.

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