real estate


Question by  kmac (235)

Where are the cheapest houses in the US?


Answer by  Marie (778)

Given the poor state of the current housing market, many homes have entered into foreclosure and are available for purchase at a very low price. Check out Detroit, MI homes.


Answer by  worker76 (773)

i own several rental properties and i would say the cheapest to own are in maine and south carolina. maine has nicer ones for your money.


Answer by  nishanthnice (33)

The state of poverty... Actually it appears to be Arkansas which is like 87.9 % of the national average.


Answer by  Alli (71)

Cheap houses can be found in the Midwest and rural areas such as Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, and Illinois and even as far south as Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.


Answer by  Bill (23)

Detroit, Michigan is generally regarded as having the cheapest houses in the United States. This is partially due to the economic depression this area has experienced in the past decade.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Right now, the cheapest housing in the country is Detroit, Michigan. Houses in good condition can be purchased for $3,500.

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