

Question by  Lisa18 (15)

Where are the Antilles?

What were they named after?


Answer by  Ken56 (1160)

They are a group of islands in the West Indies, which is in the Caribbean Sea. The name comes from mythology. Even before the European exploration of the New World, the name Antilles appeared on ancient maps. There are both "Greater" and "Lesser" Antilles islands. Columbus landed on one of the Antilles in 1492.


Answer by  JelenaMandic (64)

Antilles are a large group of islands between the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Antilles are divided into two groups: the Greater Antilles and the Lesser Antilles.Antilles was a mysterious country that is mentioned in medieval literature. After the discovery of America, this name is used as the name for the archipelago in the Caribbean.

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