health conditions


Question by  MARYSINTA (11)

What should I know about kidney infections and mono?


Answer by  bullet02 (172)

Mononucleosis and kidney infections are both different from each other. However, recurring mononucleosis may result to kidney infection or pyelonephritis which can also be caused by a bacterial infection. It is an occasional scenario that mononucleosis can cause renal failure.


Answer by  patrickargel (24)

Kidney infections are very dangerous, and hard to treat. This is because the kidney, once damaged, will affect the entire body... It will have alot of symptoms and they maybe very complicated to treat... If left untreated, this may end up to kidney failure and may eventually cause death


Answer by  marcia (228)

When you have mono, your spleen gets enlarged and, in some cases, your kidneys can enlarge as well. This could lead to an infection or mimic an infection. Drink lots of fluids, including cranberry juice, as you can become dehydrated quickly. Also, don't do activities that might bump your kidneys.

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