

Question by  Gulptub (39)

What should I do to make my daughter feel better because she is plainer than her sister?

Her older sister has the looks of a beauty queen.


Answer by  anniekiefera (359)

The best you can do is provide her with plenty of reassurance. You will need to make sure you say things to boost her self esteem, girls are prone to self esteem issues to begin with.


Answer by  Erynn (1651)

You should stress the importance of the beauty less and praise her for her own strengths. You should NOT reference the difference between herself and her sister unless she brings it up, tell her about the non-physical aspects of attraction (emotional links, good conversation, hobbies in common...). Pay attention to both equally - it'll teach her that it's not everything.


Answer by  cb31 (226)

The best way to make her feel better is to make certain to point out her talents and strengths. It may also give her a boost to treat her, and yourself, to a beauty day.


Answer by  BellaMarie (109)

Your younger daughter may not look like a stereotypical beauty queen, but she still have features which are unique to her and beautiful. Celebrate her unique beauty.

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