

Question by  HappyMe (34)

What should I do about a puncture would in my hand?


Answer by  motliec (183)

Clean the wound thoroughly. Make sure there is nothing inside of the wound. Apply an antibiotic ointment and cover it with a band-aid or gauze.


Answer by  worker3950 (109)

To treat a puncture wound in the hand, you must first clean the injured area to prevent infection. Next, apply a bandage of some sort to the area.


Answer by  sarvan (20)

always year gloves in hands before continuing work like heat fields. if puncture happened your hand dont touch any time it willbe painful. get proper treatment,use ointment for punctures and proper dressing for bad puncture.


Answer by  tru (144)

Make sure the wound is cleaned, disinfected well with soap, water or some type of skin cleaning solution. Cover wound with antibiotic cream. Then place a tape or some form of a wrap to make sure no dirt cant enter and infect the area. If its deep and having numbness, see a doctor in case nerve was damaged.

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