
 floors  hvac


Question by  Rathi (108)

What kinds of radiant heat flooring are there?


Answer by  Olive (1195)

There are three types:air-heated radiant floors, electric radiant floors, and hydronic radiant floors. Air-heated ones are the most expensive for home use. They work well with solar heating systems, though. Electric floors are also costly. The hydronic floors (using heated water( are the ones most commonly used.


Answer by  PinkyPosh (21)

There are three kinds of radiant heat flooring, 1) Air-Heated Radiant Floor 2) Electric Radiant Floors 3) Hydronic Radiant Floors


Answer by  embockjr (709)

The two primary underfloor types of radiant heating would include electrical resistive heating elements, and heated fluid circulated through pipes.


Answer by  sandhyanandayahoocom (93)

many types of radiant flooring are there. 1- by installing electronic manual thrmostat 2- hydronic radiant floor heating 3- air heated radiant flooring which requires hot air 4- electric radiant floor which consist of electric wires

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