

Question by  TwiztedK (14)

What kind of research is being performed on surgical scar tissue?


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

General research includes the search of surgical scar tissue, the reasons and causes. Also, how to prevent scar tissues and adesions prior to surgery. Other research looks for ways in which surgical scar tissue can be removed easily


Answer by  PirateKing (114)

Sadly, there is not very much research going on about this; there are a few theories with lasers, but they are only used in extreme cases like with burn victims.


Answer by  simmi (15)

On surgical scar tissue ,the research that takes place is stem cell treatment or the laser treatment. by using such treatment one should get rid of scars. Some lasers technique have been FDA approved for the treatment of acne scars. There is a another treatment called Silicone scar treatment that is used to prevent and treat hypertrophic scarring.

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