

Question by  preetishailgarg (19)

What is the ultimate lightsaber duel?

Yoda and who?


Answer by  Jman94 (7)

I believe that the ultimate Lightsaber Duel would be Yoda vs General Grievous. I think this would be an awesome duel because General Grievous has four lightsabers, while Yoda has great agility. Yoda would jump all over the place making it hard for General Grievous to hit him, while Grievous's four lightsabers would be difficult for Yoda to contend with.


Answer by  vadrfan99 (71)

In my opinion, the ultimate lightsaber duel that actually happend was between Yoda and Emperor Palpatine in "Revenge of the Sith." Having said that however, I'd love to see a duel between Yoda and Darth Vader!

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