

Question by  Robert61 (48)

What is the relationship between Down Syndrome and aborted statistics?


Answer by  jamieellison (1637)

This is a difficult relationship to tease apart, because abortion statistics (both spontaneous and elective) often do not take into account the intentions of the person seeking the abortion. With the knowledge that a fetus has Down Syndrome, some individuals seek out an elective abortion. Other fetuses are spontaneously aborted when there are genetic abnormalities.


Answer by  Olin (101)

A fetus developing within the mother may have trisomy of the 21st chromosome, the determining factor of Down Syndrome. If found, abortions occur over 90% of the time.


Answer by  liblue (683)

Due to better medical test down syndrome can be detected in utero. This has led to a larger number of abortions.

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