

Question by  JasonHadley (245)

What is the psychodynamic theory?


Answer by  Froom (40)

The interation between an individual's subconscious and conscious leading to behaviours. The conflict between psychic energies is said to account for problematic behaviours and emotions, and part of this conflict generally comes from the subconscious mind.


Answer by  jjpallad (34)

Psychodynamic theory is a term for Freud's views of personality focused on internal conflict (much of it unconscious) involving id (biological needs), ego (contact with reality) and superego (the conscience). The conflict is often evident in various indicatons of anxiety.


Answer by  Audrey86 (261)

The psychodynamic theory is based off of Freud's work. It mainly focuses on how conscious forces (like the desire to moral) and unconscious forces (the desire to be promiscuous) interact.


Answer by  questionkid (146)

Freud was the author of the psychodynamic theory stresses that unconscious desires and early childhood experiences shape human behavior. Jung, Freud's student, restated this as: The total self is composed of collective unconscious, personal unconscious and ego, like Freud's id ego superego. Jung's archetypes (unconscious patterns) exert forces upon the self which has a transcendent and spiritual nature.

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