health treatments


Question by  tatymai (72)

What is the cost to have a mole removed?


Answer by  eilrol (1431)

Of course it all depends on the doctor you go to and which location or state you get it done. Cost ranges from $125-$150. There are also associated costs like taxes, office visit costs, etc. You might want to have a consultation first and find out the costs. Most insurances do not cover this procedure. : (


Answer by  nursebrenda (27)

Mole removal can cost up to $200. If the mole removal is for cosmetic reasons insurance may not help cover the cost.


Answer by  Moma123 (1043)

There are many methods for mole removal such as electrocautery, laser cautery, cryotherapy etc. The cost depends upon the method selected. The method for removal of the mole to be selected depends upon the type of mole. Some home remedies include applying apple cider vinegar or crushed garlic to it.


Answer by  Joe3737 (89)

Prices for mole removal can vary depending on the location and region of the Doctor that will be performing the removal be it a rural , urban , or suburban area . Generally though , the price range will be somewhere around one hundred to one hundred and fifty dollars.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Most doctors charge around $125.00-$150.00. Of course it would depend on the doctor and if a sample is taken to check for cancer. The internet lists natural ways to get rid of moles.


Answer by  heavensent (241)

The cost of removal of a mole depends upon the size of the mole and the method used by the doctor performing. Fees may also vary depending upon the location.

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