mental health


Question by  muffinx1 (232)

What is the best way to let go of the past?

I can't seem to let go and I really need to move on.


Answer by  isis36 (161)

It's usually easiest to let go when you have something new to hold onto. Try making new memories, finding a new hobby, or doing something different with your life.


Answer by  atman (308)

Accept the fact that what is done is done. You cannot go back and change what has happened. The only productive way to move on is admit and learn from your mistakes.


Answer by  LadyCookie (52)

Accept the past and set yourself a limit for mourning it. When a person keeps telling herself "forget that, move on", that just makes it a constant present.


Answer by  buggy418 (632)

Get involved in things that you love to do. Make small attainable goals that you can achieve and check them off as you do. Focus on the future.

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