
 diy  hair


Question by  Mitz (36)

What is the best way to go about redying my hair?


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

Have your hair trimmed and conditioned first to cut of dead ends and give it body. Pick a shade that will blend in with your own color nothing to brash and will cover the roots. If it is for a special occasion wait till nearer the day.


Answer by  Cyn (408)

The best place to start is with your roots (especially if you are going lighter. ) You should start by only dying the roots. Let your roots color for at least twice as long as the rest of your hair.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

If you've already dyed your hair, and you need to redye it again and not too long, it may be best to go to a salon. Having so many chemicals in your hair change change the color you thought a new dye might be.


Answer by  Heloise (397)

Safest is to go to a salon and have a professional do it. However, there are many home-dyeing kits available. Read the instructions to check it's OK for hair that is already colored. Best results are achieved with colors only a shade or two from the present color.

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