health treatments


Question by  tarun (20)

What is the best treatment for a strep infection?


Answer by  NGoodson (3395)

Strep throat is an infection and yo can't get rid of it without antibiotics so you will need to see your doctor.


Answer by  billystiller (132)

Without doubt, it's the penicilin. But, depending on the location, the size of the infected area, there can be a lot of different diagnoses, and different treatment options. You should not take penicilin, nor any other antibiotic on your own, cause they can cause allergic reaction, among other counter effects.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

The best and most popular treatment for a strep infection is penicillin because to most people it's safe and effective.


Answer by  margiep (422)

The best treatment for strep is antibiotics and a lot of rest. Make sure you get a lot of rest and stay hydrated.


Answer by  eyeguy (3760)

Strep infection is best treated with antibiotic. Strep throat is painful and can last for weeks versus days with the use of antibiotics


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

You need to go to the doctor and get some antibiotics. If you are allergic to them then you can try some synthetic ones. This will work and there is nothing that works better.

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