what is


Question by  FootballCheersGalore (12)

What is Suntheanine?

What does it do?


Answer by  Milette4 (900)

Suntheanine is the purest form of the amino acid L-theanine. It helps you to relax without feeling drowsy and it reduces nervous tension. It promotes learning and memory, a positive mood and alertness and mental clarity and focus. It is also very helpful in minimizing the normal symptoms associated with Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.


Answer by  missyt (24)

Suntheanine is part of a natural aminioacid that people, often athletes and homeopathic followers, use to treat anxiety. It is found in things such as green tea, certine vitamin suppliments, and foods. It is used to similarly to lavender in the aspect it calms a person and relaxes them.

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